Positive mind, Positive vibes, positive life

How Do You Increase Your Positivity?

by | Jun 10, 2021 | Blog

I’ve developed a bit of a reputation for being an optimist.  Even in the middle of a global pandemic, I discovered the good things that were happening.

It’s been a tough year, and we’ve all experienced struggles.  The heartbreak of burying loved ones.  The stress of financial uncertainty.  The fear for our safety and security.  The inability to be in the same room with our friends and family for over a year.

Ok, you get the point – it’s been tough!

And now we’re going through another wave of uncertainty as things start to open up again and masks are no longer required.  It’s a culture shock to return to doing what used to be considered “normal.”

During challenging and uncertain times, how do you muster the positive outlook that fuels motivation and creativity?

Here are a few things that I practice regularly:


DECIDE to be an optimist
I make a conscious choice every day, sometimes multiples times throughout the day, to have a positive outlook.  This doesn’t mean that I’m happy all the time.  It means that even when times are tough, I intentionally look for the silver lining.

Even during the most difficult times, there is ALWAYS something for which to be grateful.  I keep a gratitude jar on my kitchen counter with a stack of note cards and a pen next to it.  Every day I write down one thing that I am grateful for, and I put it in the jar.  I’ve never been great about keeping a journal, but I’ve found this note jar is easy and has helped me practice gratitude daily.  If I’m having a tough day, I read the notes to remind me of all the blessings in my life.

CREATE positive anticipation
Remember when you were in school how much you looked forward to holiday and summer breaks?  Even though I liked school, the anticipation of those breaks and counting down to vacation helped keep me motivated to get through exams, term papers, and things I didn’t particularly enjoy.  I’ve carried this positive anticipation principle into adulthood by intentionally creating something I can look forward to.  I don’t enjoy the winter months, so I always plan a vacation or weekend getaway in February that I can look forward to.  If I’m having a stressful day, I find little things such as trying a new recipe, indulging in a hot bath with a good book, or opening that expensive bottle of wine that has been gathering dust on the wine rack and savoring it with my husband. Having these things to look forward to lifts my spirits and helps me perform better through the stress.

 Tap into your SUPPORT system
When I’m feeling down or stressed, I tend to want to isolate myself.  Isolation only feeds those negative emotions. But, if I force myself to reach out and connect with someone in my support system, it ALWAYS lifts me up and restores my positivity.  The caveat with this tip is that you need a POSITIVE support system.  Reaching out to someone that adds fuel to negative thinking will have the opposite effect!

Positive emotions drive positive actions, which lead to positive results.

Please consider me to be part of your positive support system.

If you need a positivity boost, I’m only a phone call, text message, or email away!

Wishing you the best!





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